CQMS Anikait Sunil honoured with CM Commendation Card & Medal

Congratulations to CQMS Anikait Sunil of III year B.Com., LL.B.!

We are delighted to share that CQMS Anikait Sunil has been awarded the esteemed Chief Minister Commendation Card and Medal on February 7, 2023, by DDG of Karnataka and Goa Directorate, Air Commodore BS Kanwar, VSM, for his exceptional performance and remarkable contributions during his training in the NCC.

Anikait's dedication and commitment have shone brightly throughout his NCC journey. He has attended the kitting camps of both TSC and RDC, showcasing his determination and skill. In the IGC TSC, he secured an impressive 4th position in Obstacle Training and Tent Pitching. He secured the silver medal in the Best Cadet Competition in the IGC RDC, and 3rd place in Ballet.

His achievements don't end there! Anikait represented the Karnataka and Goa Directorate in the Special National Integration Camp held in Mumbai from November 13 to 17, 2021.

Anikait's selflessness and dedication to serving others were also evident when he participated in the 14th edition of the TCS World 10K Marathon held on May 15, 2022. He volunteered as a buddy for a wheelchair user, exemplifying compassion and inclusivity.

We warmly congratulate CQMS Anikait Sunil for his outstanding achievements and well-deserved recognition. He is an inspiration to all aspiring cadets and serves as a shining example of dedication and excellence. We wish him continued success on his journey.